262-505-5000 info@fetinc.org

Upcoming Events

Participation in FET events can earn you professional education credits from a variety of state and national organizations.  The following list describes the chapter meetings and programs that are currently offered and what credit is available for each program if applicable.

In-Person Seminar

RCRA Refresher

  • Wednesday, July 24, 2024
  • Summit Place Building, 6737 West Washington Street, Milwaukee, WI 53214
  • DNR hours applied for
  • 6.5 hours may be eligible for ABIH CM points, CHMM hours and PE hours
  • 0.6 CEUs

      In-Person Seminar

      Key Areas of Environmental Compliance

      This seminar is an update for our seasoned professionals, and also intended to assist members who are newer in their role and have had to take over being the Environmental manager/professional in their company.

      • Thursday, August 1st
      • Summit Place Building, 6737 West Washington Street, Milwaukee, WI 53214
      • DNR hours applied for
      • 7.5 hours may be eligible for ABIH CM credit or PE hours
      • 0.7 CEU hrs
      • 7.5 CHMM hours

          sewi chapter tour

          GFL Waste Treatment Facility Tour

          Join the SE WI Chapter for a tour of the GFL treatment plant, the lab and the solid waste department.

          • Wednesday, August 7th
          • 4:30 PM
          • GFL Facility, 1900 E College Ave, Cudahy, WI
          • Look for the large GFL sign across from the post office
          • Safety glasses and close-toed shoes preferred for the tour
          • RSVP to Raichyl@fetinc.org by Tuesday, August 6th

              golf outing

              Prepare to Tee Off on August 27th to Benefit FET!

              Time to polish your clubs, start practicing your swing and planning to join us for the 2024 FET GOLF OUTING on Tuesday, August 27, 2024.

              It is open to FET members, friends and guests, with all skill levels – experienced and novice. Proceeds will benefit FET’s mission, and will be held at the Western Lakes Golf Club, Pewaukee, WI.

              We are looking for golf or company prizes to be distributed at the event, contact FET if you have items to donate.

              • Tuesday, August 27th
              • 8:00 AM Shotgun start
              • Hole Sponsorships and 19th Hole Sponsorships Available

              Thank you so much to our 19th hole sponsor(s)!

              on-demand webinars

              Annual Environmental Reporting Updates

              • On-Demand webinars are available for both days or one day
              • Use the agenda/registration form or register using the online form
              • Once received, the recording and handouts will be forwarded to you
              • If you have questions, please contact FET at 262-437-1700 or info@fetinc.org
                  “All of the sessions were well done. It is always difficult to make this material interesting when you have gone through this over and over. Everyone did a great job and I enjoyed the interactive training.”
                  Seminar attendee at HazWoper Refresher course
                  I enjoy attending FET trainings, they help to keep me current, and put me back on track when I’m feeling a little sluggish in my field
                  Member Survey Respondent
                  “The conferences continue to be relevant, and a great value. In just a few days, one can have the information presented in a condensed format, and be relevant to our state. It is very cost-effective and justifiable to an employer.”
                  Brenda Kubasik